UC Berkeley course on practical neuroimaging analysisΒΆ
These are the web pages for the course on practical neuroimaging analysis at UC Berkeley brain imaging center (BIC).
The pages are for the 2015 course.
You can find more recent versions of a lot of the material on the website for the 2016 PSYCH214 course on functional MRI methods.
Pages from the previous (2013) course are here.
Course news and announcements go to the mailing list
- Aim of the course
- Who is this course for?
- Requirements
- Topics we cover
- Format of the class
- Where and when and what?
- General reading for the class
- Office hours
- Software to install for the class
- Example datasets
- Schedule
- Day 0 : introduction: what is an image?
- Day 1 : introducing Python
- Day 2: images as arrays and plotting
- Day 3: version control / diagnostics
- Day 4: first statistics / version control
- Day 5: convolution and correlation
- Day 6: regression and the general linear model
- Day 7: diagnostics using principal component analysis
- Day 8: 1D interpolation and slice timing
- Day 9: optimization, 2D interpolation and registration
- Day 10: coordinate systems and cross-modality registration
- Day 11: registration between subjects
- Day 12: smoothing and modeling
- Day 13: testing hypotheses with t and F contrasts
- Day 14: random effects, choosing models
- Day 15: statistical inference
- Possible extra days
- Choosing an editor