Day 14: random effects, choosing modelsΒΆ
5 / 29 / 2015
- random versus fixed effect in neuroimaging literature
- a simple tutorial on cross validation
- Recall t and F tests: what are they doing exactly. Where does my variability come from?
- example within run (from previous course)
- example random effect (between subjects).
- Wait a second: What is a model exactly ?
- I am choosing a very wrong model: Consequences on the results of t/F tests.
- How do I know my model is - is not very wrong? the good, the bad, the ugly (reverse order)
- the ugly: p-hacking. Let’s try it.
- the bad: use R2.
- the good: model validation
- Model validation: Principle. Example of “random effect” model testing the effect of “grumpiness”.