We are taking a break in the classes for Cesar Chavez holiday on March 27, 2015. Otherwise the classes are from 10-12 every Friday in the Brain Imaging Center.
- Day 0 : introduction: what is an image?
- Day 1 : introducing Python
- Day 2: images as arrays and plotting
- Day 3: version control / diagnostics
- Day 4: first statistics / version control
- Day 5: convolution and correlation
- Day 6: regression and the general linear model
- Day 7: diagnostics using principal component analysis
- Day 8: 1D interpolation and slice timing
- Day 9: optimization, 2D interpolation and registration
- Day 10: coordinate systems and cross-modality registration
- Day 11: registration between subjects
- Day 12: smoothing and modeling
- Day 13: testing hypotheses with t and F contrasts
- Day 14: random effects, choosing models
- Day 15: statistical inference
Possible extra days¶
- Using machine learning tools with scikit-learn;
- Introduction to diffusion imaging;
- Introduction to DICOM;
- Data visualization.