.. _feedback0: ################################## Feedback from days 0 through day 3 ################################## As of April 29 2013 Copied from original `feedback0 etherpad `_. THINGS YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT THE COURSE SO FAR -------------------------------------------- I appreciate the downloadable iPython notebooks with explanations of what the code is and does - will be a great reference +3 I like the course website. THINGS YOU THINK LEAST ABOUT THE COURSE SO FAR ---------------------------------------------- I think the course could move a little more quickly, with more emphasis being placed on office hours when catch-up work is required. It would be helpful to have a course outline at the outset so we know what to expect. STUFF YOU'D LIKE TO HEAR MORE ABOUT ----------------------------------- It's helpful for a python newbie to hear how the data is structured; once we have a baseline knowledge of what it is, it would help me to hear your workflow of how to handle it. I assume we'll get to that, though. ANY OTHER COMMENTS? ------------------- It would be nice to have some specific projects/assignments to work on soon +3 It would be nice if you left some Inputs blank so that we could try writing a couple of commands ourselves+2