Where and when and what?¶
In the teaching room in the Berkekely brain imaging center (BIC).
The BIC is in the basement of the Li Ka Shing center on Berkeley campus.
Go to the west-most entrance of the Li Ka Shing center:

This is the view of the corner, looking South from the west side of the building:

Look for the silver letters “Henry H. Wheeler, Jr. Brain Imaging Center” behind the tall windows at that corner of the building:

Once you get into the Li Ka Shing Center look for the sign next to the elevator on your right.
The elevator and the staircase are controlled by key-card access, so, if you don’t have access to the BIC, please wait at the elevator at 10 am, and one of us (Matthew or JB) will come up and get y’all. We’ll check a few times after that for stragglers.
Please don’t press the bell next to the elevator, it goes direct to the scanner console room, and we can’t hear it from the classroom.
Fridays from 10am to 12 until the end of the 2013 semester.
Please bring your laptops. See Software to install for the class for things to install on your laptop.