###################################################### Day 9: optimization, 2D interpolation and registration ###################################################### 4 / 24 / 2015 ******* Reading ******* The reading for this weeks class is a notebook in the `pna2015` repository:: cd pna2015 git pull ipython notebook The main notebook is ``day9/optimizing_space.ipynb`` - but you'll see a couple of other notebooks there that the main notebook links to. Here are the notebooks generated as non-interactive web pages, for reference: * `main notebook on spatial registration `_; * `background on Python functions `_; * `background on global variable scope `_. You may also want to have a look at :doc:`rotation_2d`. *** Day *** * Convert optimization notebook to Python module; * Run; * Try different cost functions; * Try different optimization methods; * Local minima with a 180 degree rotation; * Investigate and run FSL motion correction. ********* Exercises ********* The usual instructions: * ``cd pna/pna2015`` * ``git pull`` * ``ipython notebook`` There is a web page listing of the exercise files at https://github.com/practical-neuroimaging/pna2015/tree/master/day9